
Medical cannabis program

Helping patients understand all their options

Led by two expert patient advocates, this program seeks to increase safe, fair access to medical cannabis for people with chronic pain. It also aims to provide education and resources on medical cannabis as a treatment option.





Americans for Safe Access (ASA)

The U.S. Pain Foundation greatly values its collaboration with ASA, recognizing it as a vital part of our advocacy efforts. ASA strengthens our collective voice and enhances our ability to champion the needs of those with chronic pain.

Cannabis Groups

Americans for Safe Access: safeaccessnow.org

The American Alliance for Medical Cannabis: letfreedomgrow.com

Grow for Vets USA: growforvets.org

Hemp Industries Association: thehia.org

International Association for Cannabis as Medicine: cannabis-med.org

International Cannabinoid Research Society: icrs.co

Marijuana Policy Project: mpp.org

Medicinal Hemp Association: the-mha.org

National Cannabis Industry Association: thecannabisindustry.org 

National Hemp Association: nationalhempassociation.org

NORML (working to reform marijuana laws): norml.org

Society of Cannabis Clinicians: cannabisclinicians.org

United Patients Group: unitedpatientsgroup.com

Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access: veteransformedicalmarijuana.org

Cannabis Support

CannaEffect: cannaeffect.org

Healer: healer.com

Illegally Healed: illegallyhealed.com

Medical Jane: medicaljane.com

My Health Freedom: mhfcampaign.com

The Medical Pot Guide: medicalpot.guide

Cannabis Education

Americans For Safe Access: safeaccessnow.org

The Answer Page: theanswerpage.com

Drug Policy Alliance: drugpolicy.org

IMPACT Network: impactcannabis.org

Leafly: leafly.com

Medical Marijuana 411: medicalmarijuana411.com

Patients Out of Time: medicalcannabis.com

ProCon: medicalmarijuana.procon.org

Project CBD: projectcbd.org

Realm of Caring: realmofcaring.org

Skunk Pharm Research: skunkpharmresearch.com

Cannabis News Sources

The Cannabist: thecannabist.co

High Times: hightimes.com

Legalize It: liwts.org

Marijuana Business Daily: mjbizdaily.com

Medical Marijuana Blog: medicalmarijuanablog.com

State Cannabis Groups

California Cannabis Advocates: californiacannabisadvocates.org

Oregon Cannabis Institute: oregoncannabisinstitute.com

Nevada Hemp Association: nevadahempassociation.com

Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition: ripatients.org

Pediatric Cannabis Resources

CannaKids: cannakids.org

The Dravet Foundation: dravetfoundation.org

The Flowering Hope Foundation: floweringhope.co

Harvesting Hope: harvestinghope.com

Lennox-Gastaut Foundation: lgsfoundation.org

Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism (MAMMA): mammausa.org

Project CBD: projectcbd.org

Realm of Caring: theroc.us